Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Continuity task is finally here

This is the continuity task that my group completed, somewhere around last October. There was only a few rules to it, someone must walk through a door, and walk across a room and talk to someone. We found the project quite easy, and i think that we completed the task to quickly and did not think about what we were filming too much, and i think this is a downfall, but i have remembered this and made sure that we did not make the same mistake on our Film Noir piece.

1 comment:

  1. a much more slick and well edited piece than the original. sound choice of music.
    please post more often - ur final piece is now complete but there are no posts here about the process!!

    i worry that you will miss the homework i am seeting because you are not looking at ur blog -
    My blog is live again and has modelling/links and homework relevant to the film research task please use it and follow it.
