Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Top 10 films and listings

These are the top ten films for the weekend begining the 22nd January 2010.
For UK : http://uk.imdb.com/boxoffice/?region=uk
For USA: http://uk.imdb.com/boxoffice/

Then for the worldwide of all time box office: http://uk.imdb.com/boxoffice/alltimegross?region=world-wide

The listings for Birmingham for today (02-02-10) : http://www.google.co.uk/movies?hl=en&near=birmingham&dq=cinema+listings+for+birmingham&ei=CwxoS9ijPI_u0wTMvsWTCA&sa=X&oi=showtimes&ct=title&cd=1&ved=0CAkQxQMoAA

The Continuity task is finally here

This is the continuity task that my group completed, somewhere around last October. There was only a few rules to it, someone must walk through a door, and walk across a room and talk to someone. We found the project quite easy, and i think that we completed the task to quickly and did not think about what we were filming too much, and i think this is a downfall, but i have remembered this and made sure that we did not make the same mistake on our Film Noir piece.