Thursday, October 8, 2009

Target Audience

Recently i have just been learning more about target audience.
For Example:- There are different types of target audience
> Activist : Someone who wishes to consume the product

-e.g. males stereotypically will go to watch an action film
> Passive : Someone who only consumes the product to please others
-e.g. males will stereotypically go to watch a film they dislike to pleased their loved one
> Preffered : Someone who consume the product that the product is aimed at
-e.g. A female watches a chick flick
Hedonist : Someone who takes a risk with consuming the product
-e.g. Someone who watches a film just because it says "it will make you sick"
Traditionalist : someone who sticks to the products they like
-e.g. Someone who watches a film because they like that style of film and know what may happen
> Post-Modernist : someone who knows the product and wishes to consume a modern version of it
-e.g. Someone who likes the lord of the rings books so watched the film

Also within target audience there is the ACORN SYSTEM. This is a system which seperates the consumers buy their job and income. There are five catorgaries to choose from. (A, B, C1, C2, E). The system is classed on wealth, from highest income in group A to the unemployed/Students in group E.